A Taylor & Francis Kiadó szeretettel várja az érdeklődőket Trust the Process: How to Become an Effective Peer Reviewer című webináriumára március 19-én, szerdán.
Trust the Process: How to Become an Effective Peer Reviewer
Time and date: Wednesday 19th March 16:00-17:30 PM CET
Blurb: Join us for an informative session on becoming an effective peer reviewer. Peer review is an essential part of the scholarly publishing process, ensuring that published research is trustworthy and reliable. Becoming a peer reviewer also allows you to participate in your academic community, and become an essential part of the process of furthering knowledge in your discipline.
This webinar will cover all the essentials of how to be an effective peer reviewer for researchers in all areas, including:
• Overview of different types of peer review
• The responsibilities of a peer reviewer
• How to critically assess an article and write an effective report
• What to do if you have ethical concerns about an article you have been asked to review
Speaker: Victoria Babbit
Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1360955046685026392
The session will be recorded and everyone who registered will be sent the recording of the event.